Incidence of Insects on Wheat Plant observed during visit to Seed Produciton Cluster at Mildada,Chitwan-1

Incidence of Insects on Wheat Plant observed during visit to Seed Produciton Cluster at Mildada,Chitwan-2

Incidence of Insects on Wheat Plant observed during visit to Seed Produciton Cluster at Mildada,Chitwan-3

Incidence of Insects on Wheat Plant observed during visit to Seed Produciton Cluster at Mildada,Chitwan-4

Interaction with the Student of M.Sc.Ag (Agronomy-Seed Science and Technology) at his research field

Taking the agronomic characteristics of different wheat varieties in research plot for identifying the promising varieties

Team interacting with Professors and students from department of Agronomy regarding the project and allied activities-1

Team interacting with Professors and students from department of Agronomy regarding the project and allied activities-2

Visit to the wheat trial conducted by NARC (Nepal Agriculture Research Council) at Rampur, Chitwan-1

Visit to the wheat trial conducted by NARC (Nepal Agriculture Research Council) at Rampur, Chitwan-2