TEEAL is an digital, offline database of 350+ full text journals and 500,000+ articles for agriculture and allied sciences developed by Mann Library, Cornell University. The project focusses on implementation of TEEAL and creating a mass of trained individuals in eligible countries to boost agricultural research and productivity, moving towards food security.
Project Duration: 2014-2016 Awarding Organization – The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Project Value: USD 0.27Mn Geography: – South Asia
- Provide access of current agricultural research material to academic and research institutes in developing countries
- Train academicians and researchers on use of TEEAL and other e-resources
- Augmenting the database by addition of new research material
- Agriculture innovation in Bangladesh by successfully implementing TEEAL in 21 institutes Accelerated providing offline access to TEEAL access to over 45,000 users
- Engaged with premier educational institutes like University Grants Commission (UGC) and Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC) for encouraging and supporting the universities and institutes to install TEEAL and gain from its effective utilization
- Capacity building of researchers, academicians, faculty members, postgraduate students and library staff through orientation programs and train-the-trainer workshops
- Formal user license agreements were signed with between Cornell and all institutes; TEEAL mini computers from project’s Cornell University office installed at institutes campuses
Project Conceptualization & Management
TEEAL intended at creating maximum impact through a limited number of installations and training. Sathguru’s in depth understanding and experience of closely working with research and academic institutions in Bangladesh over decades helped in tactical identification of institutions for creation of maximum impact through reaching out to maximum users. To ensure optimal utilization of resources phased implementation was carried out in various pockets of the country.
- Researchers and Students can access over 350+ international, peer reviewed journals and 500,000+ full text PDF articles
- TEEAL successfully signed MoUs with more than 25 important peer reviewed research journals from India, which are being included in TEEAL
Project Conceptualization & Management
Sathguru insightfully engaged with premier educational institutes like University Grants Commission (UGC) and Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC) for encouraging and supporting the identified universities and institutes of Bangladesh to install and adopt TEEAL.
- Formal user license agreements were signed with between Cornell and 21 research and academic institutes;
- TEEAL mini computers from project’s Cornell University office installed at institutes campuses
Policy Advocacy
Sathguru strategically partnered with UGC, the apex body for university education in Bangladesh and BARC, responsible for coordination among agricultural research institutes in Bangladesh to ensure maximum penetration of the resource across the nation.
- Partnering with UGC helped in UGC facilitating programs where Vice Chancellors of public universities signed TEEAL license agreements for implementation in respective universities
- Collaboration with BARC led to implementation in major research institutes working on various crops and research areas in agriculture and allied subjects
Capacity Building
Sathguru aimed at creating a sustainable model of the program in order to increase the number of users and beneficiaries beyond the project period. The project focused on creating a critical mass of trained individuals who can sustain the effort and also train other users on usage of TEEAL in their respective institutions. Two types of training programs executed across Bangladesh.
- 800+ personnel trained on TEEAL
- Project beneficiaries have continued training more number of personnel and ensuring more and more users get benefitted from TEEAL
- Researchers, Students, Librarians, Academicians – Various types of users trained
Information, Communication & Technology
Sathguru conceptualized a 2 tier system of support for technical help post implementation, first level being in India and second from the TEEAL US team to ensure that users get unhindered TEEAL access. Sathguru’s robust team of ICT experts trained users on use of ICTs and e resources in research management and ways of accessing information available through web and offline resources and databases, including TEEAL, AGORA and Mendeley.
- TEEAL offers institutes’ offline access to a database of over 350 journals and 500,000+ full text articles through a mini computer to all connected devices over LAN (Local Area Network) and WiFi
- Librarians are trained on TEEAL and other e resources, which is helping to make libraries future ready and improve number of visitors, as libraries are being transformed into center of knowledge
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