October 2016, Bangladesh
1. Train the Trainer Program at Patuakhali Science & Technology University (PSTU):
PSTU is the new agricultural university in Bangladesh. It has 8 faculties covering entire gamut of agricultural education and research. It is only one university in south-west (Barisal region) Bangladesh. PSTU has student strength of over 3000. PSTU campus is though remotely located but surrounded by the traditional artistic radiant and vibrant green fields. Reaching PSTU is a challenge!!
PSTU has very limited internet connectivity and their internet is down since August’16. Due to its remote location and also issues in internet connectivity, Sathguru believes that TEEAL placement in PSTU will highly beneficial and will provide opportunity for research scientists, faculty and students to access latest research information.
The training program was conducted on 18th October. Vice Chancellor of PSTU, Professor Md.Shams-Ud-Din was the chief guest of inaugural session, along with Dr. AbulKashemChowdhary, Dean, Faculty of Agriculture and Deans of other faculties.
Training program, spread over for 7 hours, was attended by 40 participants, including faculty, library staff and MS/ PhD students. The participants were appreciated the training programs and share their gains from TEEAL training program.

2. Train the Trainer program at Noakhali Science & Technology University, Noakhali (NSTU)
After PSTU, next program was conducted at NSTU on 20 October, 2016.
NSTU is the newest public university established in 2005 in Coastal terrain like Noakhaliregion of Bangladesh. Due to its strategic location this university has become important for studies on marine sciences and also on coastal agriculture subjects. The university has 03 faculties (Faculty of Engineering & Technology.; Faculty of Science; and faculty of Social sciences & Business Studies) and with 17 departments.
TEEAL as a knowledge resource, will prove very critical to the Faculty of Sciences which includes, Fisheries & Marine Sciences, Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering; Food Technology & Nutritional Science; Microbiology; Environmental Sciences & Disaster Management; and Agriculture.
NSTU also has problem of limited internet connectivity and TEEAL installation at NSTU has extremely beneficial to the faculty, scholars, and students of this university. Access to TEEAL was appreciated by all.
Training program at NSTU was inaugurated by Prof. M. Wahiduzzaman, Vice Chancellor of NSTU, joined by Prof. Md. Abul Hossain, Pro Vice Chancellor, other Deans and senior officials from university administration have attended the inaugural sessions. The technical training sessions had 45 participants, representing all 6 departments of Faculty of Science & Central library joined the program.The training program was well received and appreciated through their feedback comments.

3. Train the Trainer program at Haji Md. Danesh Science & Technology University HMDSTU, Dinajpur
HMDSTU wass established in 1979 located in a place called Basherhat 10 miles from Dinajpur city in Northern Rangpur, Bangladesh
HMDSTU has 8 faculties with 47 departs offering graduate, under-graduate and Doctoral programs. Total number of students enrolled are over 10000. Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Fisheries, and Faculty of veterinary Sciences & Animal Sciences and Faculty of Science will be the key faculties using TEEAL for research and education.
The training program at HMDSTU was conducted on 25th October, 2016. The inaugural sessions held in the University auditorium and was inaugurated by the former Vice-Chancellor (Vice Chancellor positon lying vacant) Professor Md. Ruhul Amin, joined by the Prof. Md. Anis Khan, Dean Faculty of Agriculture and Prof. Md. Saifur Rahman, Registrar of the University. Hands-on-sessions were held at the Computer lab.
The TEEAL training program was overwhelmingly received at HMDSTU and was attended by 86 participants, representing faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Faculty of Fisheries; and faculty of Science.

Mr. Chandrashekhar
Chief Librarian