Forecasted impact assessment of a deep tech company in climate-smart irrigation systems and solar-powered cold storage

June 13, 20240

Project scope & situational analysis:  

Sathguru Catalysers conducted a comprehensive assessment of a leading climate-smart deep tech company. This assessment evaluated the potential environmental, economic, and social impacts of the company’s core technology stack, utilizing ice core technology, on farms and farmers by 2030. 

The project team employed a multi-pronged approach to assess the impact of sustainable innovations of the company. This project assessed the environmental footprint of the company’s solutions throughout their lifecycle, focusing on water usage, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and potential reductions compared to traditional methods. Farm-level economic models were developed to forecast the potential impact on farmer profitability. The critical factors for assessment included improved irrigation efficiency, reduced energy dependence, and yield increases. The social impact assessments were conducted to understand the impact on farmer livelihoods, access to technology, and potential improvements in working conditions, including reduced exposure to harmful chemicals associated with traditional cold storage solutions.  


The project focused on a data-driven approach to the deep tech company’s potential to contribute to a sustainable and equitable future for food production. The findings helped the Innovation in Food and Agriculture fund (IFA) determine the company’s alignment with the fund’s mission and paved the way for potential investment, ultimately attracting further capital. The key findings of the assessment were: 

  • Reduced Environmental Footprint: The assessment quantified significant potential reductions in water usage and cumulative greenhouse gas emissions by 49 lakh tonnes of CO2 equivalent by 2030, contributing to SDG goals for clean water and climate action. 
  • Enhanced Farm Profitability: Farm-level economic models indicated potential increases in farmer’s average monthly income by 15 – 20% due to improved resource management and reduced energy costs, which align with the SDGs for decent work and economic growth. 
  • Empowered Farmers: Social impact assessments highlighted the potential for improved access to technology for farmers, enhanced knowledge of sustainable practices, and potentially safer working environments, contributing to the SDG for responsible consumption and production.  

This assessment presents a compelling case for the transformative potential of deep tech in agriculture. Beyond the quantified environmental and economic benefits, widespread adoption of these solutions could empower a generation of farmers and reshape food production systems towards greater sustainability and social responsibility. 

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Forecasted impact assessment of a deep tech company in climate-smart irrigation systems and solar-powered cold storage

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