Thrills, Cheers, and 38 Years- Sathguru’s Annual Day Spectacle

Sathguru Management Consultant’s 38th Annual Day Event on December 9th was nothing short of a spectacular celebration at District Gravity, Hyderabad. The event was a perfect blend of recognition, warmth, and adrenaline-pumping adventure that brought together Sathguru associates and their families for a day filled with joy and excitement.

Sathguru_Annual_Day_1The day kicked off as the associates hopped on the specially reserved buses, transforming it into a rolling party on wheels! Imagine this: a breakfast fiesta served on the bus, featuring delightful treats that kick-started the day with a burst of flavour and energy. But the fun didn’t stop there! The bus buzzed with laughter, upbeat tunes, and the contagious spirit of celebration. Games became the heartbeat of the journey, weaving an air of friendly competition and camaraderie.

Upon reaching the spot, the day commenced with the glamorous Rewards and Recognition ceremony, setting the stage for a day of appreciation and camaraderie. The spotlight shone on the newlyweds, families with adorable newborns, and the enthusiastic new joiners of the year, as they were welcomed with open arms into the Sathguru family.

Sathguru_Annual_DayThe highlight of the event was the prestigious awards ceremony where the best performers of the year took centre stage. Cheers and applause filled the air as deserving individuals and teams were recognized for their outstanding contributions. Award winners were also presented with a coveted package comprising a cash award, certificate, and a memento, adding an extra layer of honour to their achievements. Following that, the atmosphere was tinged with nostalgia as long-service awards were presented to those dedicated individuals who had devoted 5, 10, and 15 years at Sathguru. Heartwarming videos showcased their journey, taking everyone on a remarkable voyage through the vibrant archives of Sathguru.

The ceremony wrapped up with an energetic picture session andSathguru_Annual_Day lively interactions among the gathered associates. Having concluded the official part, it was time for the real adventure to begin.

Associates and their families eagerly set out to explore the thrilling adventure park, armed with pre-booked vouchers by Sathguru that promised an array of exciting activities. From go-karting to paintball shooting, archery, water rides, slingshot, zipline, human foosball, Euro bungee, Tarzan tracks, rock climbing, golf… there was no shortage of heart-pounding experiences. Laughter and screams of delight filled the air as the colleagues bonded over the exhilarating thrill of these activities.

To fuel the excitement, a delectable spread of delicacies awaited everyone for lunch. The aroma of mouthwatering dishes added to the festive atmosphere, ensuring that energy levels remained high throughout the day.

As the Sun began to set, the park echoed with the sounds of joy and laughter. Hi-tea at the end of the day provided a perfect opportunity for everyone to unwind, share their adventures, and relive the exciting moments. The event successfully blended appreciation, excitement, and team spirit, creating lasting memories for the Sathguru family.

The 38th Annual Day Event of Sathguru Management Consultants wasn’t just a celebration; it was a testament to the vibrant and dynamic spirit that defines Sathguru and its incredible team.

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