Sankalp, an organization working to promote girl child education, has provided annual scholarships to 30 meritorious students from the Udbhav School at Rasoolpura, Hyderabad. Sankalp has been offering this scholarship, which includes their tuition fees and text books, to children of this school for the past three years. The students who received this scholarship were primarily from grade III to grade X and selected according to their academic record and financial conditionof their families. Majority of the students supported by Sankalp were children of auto drivers, daily wage laborers, house maids, etc.

While addressing the parents and students, Ms. Hemalatha Vijayaraghavan, founder of Sankalp, mentioned that the organization strongly believes in empowering girls to secure their dreams, their right to education and their future.She urgedthe parents to create an enabling environment at home for children to study and aim high.
Members of Sankalp present at the event also got a glimpse of the kind of education provided to the students through some of the projects shown to them.
Parents of the sponsored children expressed their gratitude to Sankalp for this initiative as this would ease the economic burden ontheir families immensely. Significantly, this year,Sankalp was on time in extending this scholarship to Sandhya from class 10. She was on the verge of dropping out of school as she had lost her both her parents this year due to serious health problems. Her maternal aunt, generous enough to care for her, was not economically abundant to support her education. Sandhya had successfully completed class 9 and with Sankalp’s support will, now, cheerfully moved on to class 10. This is one step towards her aspiration of a promising job in the IT sector.