Your support has reached households struggling to manage the two-time meals in this pandemic

Your contribution has made a big impact during this unprecedented time.

Team Sankalp immensely thank Sathguru management staff, alumni, friends & relatives, Mahyco, Ravi Foods and Nestle for stepping forward and generously supporting 500 grocery kits and other essentials to COVID affected communities in Hyderabad low-income neighborhoods.
Beneficiaries identified are orphanages and households that are part of the Sankalp girl child scholarship program. The majority of them are single parents, economically vulnerable and are still jobless. Amongst the several challenges that COVID 19 spiked, the socio-economic implications on less privileged communities are indescribable. Due to loss of livelihoods and income, their inability to fulfil their health, nutrition and social needs was dismal further pushing them to the vicious cycle of poverty.
As a modest step to enable households to fight COVID 19 nutrition deficiencies, Sankalp has provided grocery kits to households, which contained vegetables, milk and biscuits apart from dry rations. Groceries sufficient enough for one month has reached households of children studying in 5 schools, 4 orphanages and an old age home in Hyderabad.
Our heartfelt gratitude to all those who have stepped in and made this possible. A special mention to all schools for identifying the most deserving families. Sharing Sankalp humanitarian relief story for you all to experience the immense pleasure of giving and witness the joy of beneficiaries.
Now is the time for us to fight united and help the needy as much as we can… join the journey and enables us to undertake sustainable initiatives and balance the inequalities spiked by COVID 19 and rebuild communities in long term.
Sankalp’s fight against COVID 19 continues….as a priority do join us in advocating for vaccinations for the needy communities

Raja Rajeswari
Associate Vice President – Development